I was just reading a report about 'elf and safety' in schools and how many teachers felt that it was getting in the way of children's development - no surprise there. What still really irritates me is that Risk Assessments are quite obviously not being carried out for things that have been banned. There are different ways to assess risk but the most straight-forward is to mark 1-5 for the likelihood that something will happen and 1-5 for the seriousness of the injury that would result and then multiply them together. You can then decide at what score you would expect to mitigate the risk. An example would be falling from a building on a construction site when bricklaying. Likelihood quite high, let's say 4 and seriousness, well on some sites death would be possible so it would have to be 5. A score of 20 is very high and would (and does) require mitigation. Erecting barriers or fall-arrest systems and you could probably take the likelihood down to 1 or the severity to 1 or 2 which gives a score of 5-8 which is low enough to be acceptable.
Let us look conversely at something like "running in the playground being banned". OK, we need to be careful, we are talking about the most serious outcome which would be perhaps a broken bone so 3 and the likelihood (of THIS injury, not ALL injuries) perhaps 1. That gives us a score of 3 which does NOT warrant a ban.
How ridiculous that these people have the power the dictate people's lives when they appear to be lacking the brain-cells to work it out properly!! Let the children play!!!

1 comment:
oooh it drives me mad!! It is the fact that we are not allowed to hurt ourselves anymore?! Why not? It is all part of learning. You won't do it twice voluntarily!
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