Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Crap Britain Again

I tried to call a restaurant yesterday and the phone range and then sounded like it was answered but I couldn't hear the other person. After trying over a couple of hours, I called the operator on 100 and got someone in India. She told me it was a business line and she would transfer me to business customer services, which she did. Business Customer Services then told me it wasn't a BT line and although she didn't know who was the owner of the line on her screen, she then said even if the info was there, she wouldn't be able to tell me due to Data Protection.
In the end I had to go to the restaurant early to book a table and their phone was actually broken but why is it that our computers and technology have moved on 1000 years in 30 years but our ability to actually solve problems has reduced? Shame on everyone!

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