Monday, 24 January 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 23

We often think about 2 kinds of people, those who are "Christians" and those who aren't. The Bible though talks about 3 groups of people in many places, a sub-division of Christian into spirit and flesh, religion and relationship, life and lacklustre. We see this in the Pharisees, in the older brother from the parable of the lost son, even in the letters to churches in Revelation.
I think however that our angle of attack is not often Jesus-like. Sometimes, of course, Jesus butted heads with these religious people publicly and to much embarrassment, I'm sure. However, the more important attack was a "fruit attack" an attack which occurred when the fruit of his own relationship with God was so obvious that many people would simply discard any dodgy teaching from religious types. It is too easy for us to always make the verbal attack against people who don't agree with our 'theology' or whose theology we don't agree with and we don't often take the line that "wisdom is proved right by her actions". We should certainly spend more time worrying about our own planks -dealing with those and praying for others that they might have a revelation of life. God bless 'em I say!

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