Monday, 7 March 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 63

In Numbers 2, we have a passage that is easy to pass over but none of this is accidentally in the Bible, we still need to keep asking what this means for me. A couple of things that I noticed were 1) The need for everyone to have a part in the Kingdom. Although roles were different, everyone needed to do something, it was not enough to simply be part of the community, you had to be involved. 2) God is a God of organisation and strategy. Sadly, churches are too often so fluffy and abstract in their thinking that practical matters are often given short thrift. If we were more organised, we could assign people to look after practical things without interference and power games and have other people to concentrate on Spiritual issues and then along with other churches, we could strategically take on areas of our towns and cities. Sadly we are still FAR too partisan with such things!

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