Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 114

We are quick to dismiss the Old Testament as something from the past, something which is basically irrelevant to today's life but this is not theologically sound. To assume that the OT is basically discarded (or upheld!) by Jesus causes us to dismiss the many descriptions of God's character that are seen clearly in the books of the OT.
For instance, we see disobedience causing God to withhold His blessing and we read things that make us uncomfortable like "God handed them over to raiders who stole their possessions.."
If we discard these passages, to put it bluntly, we are being arbitrary and we are creating God in our image. We are forming Him to fit in with our very limited worldview. It is understandable that we have difficulty marrying up the God of punishment with the God of grace but unless we are happy being arbitrary about which parts of the Bible are true, or we think God has changed, then we need to come to a theological solution.
Fortunately, the truth is not obscure or illogical. What would happen if God did nothing in response to the disobedience of the Israelites (or us for that matter)? We would die in our sin. What happens if God allows us to be 'dealt with' in some way because of our disobedience? We are brought to our knees and humbled causing us to return to God like Israel did and beg for mercy. So even these seemingly harsh situations are simply God's reaction of love in desperation to bring as many to Him as possible!

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