Friday, 8 July 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 183

We read today about one of the differences between men and God. We regard our death as completely tragic and something that we should avoid for as long as possible but to God where 1000 years is like a day, whether you die at 30 or 90 is not as important as what you achieve in that time.
Today, Hezekiah cries to God when he realises he is to die and as a result, God allows him to live longer. That 15 years however is not great and starts with envoys from Babylon spying out his land and then preparing to invade the land.
As well as our life, we also need to consider our ministries. Sometimes God wants them to finish or at least to be passed to someone else. If we hold on to them, we can incur problems, lose the Spirit and also affect God's plans.

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