Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 36

One of the interesting things about the Old Testament laws is that even if we don't agree that they should be implemented as-is in the modern day (either because it is not practical or it is not correct) we can still learn about God's character and the principles that should govern our laws.
Exodus 21:22 - the principle that if our carelessness causes something bad to happen, we are called to account. The idea that "I didn't mean to" is irrelevant.
21:26 - Even if we are permitted to "hit our slaves" i.e. do something in the course of our work. If we go too far, we are to be held to account.
21:28 - If we are genuinely innocent of the actions of those in our charge (whether animals or perhaps children) then we are not to be held to account but if we knew the potential even for a crime to be committed and do nothing, we are again liable.
21:33 - If your carelessness is at a cost to someone else, you must at minimum compensate the innocent party.
What is interesting is that pretty much all of these laws are extremely fair when considered for the community. Nowadays, people's only idea of fair is whether they are punished or inconvenienced whereas God's idea of fair seems much simpler. I am reminded constantly though that however much I rail against the country or the government and their lack of righteousness, Jesus is the only one who can bring fairness and justice. Any idea, ministry or effort whatsoever that does not hinge on Jesus (the person not just the principles) is doomed to failure because it is merely humanism.

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