Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 40

Did you have a school bully? The big hard guy that everyone was scared of, not because he did anything crazy like killing people but just because he could handle anything and anyone! These bullys usually like to have a gang of lesser kids who hang out with them because the bully makes them feel safe. When they are with the bully, they can say really bad stuff to you knowing that you won't fight back because you are scared of the big man, by themselves however they are nothing.
Peter is like this in Matthew 26. He tells Jesus that he will never leave him but Jesus knows that once Jesus, the Big Guy, is not around, all that security, all that courage will quickly fade and Peter will deny Jesus.
In our lives, the moral is simple, unless we stay close to Jesus, even the smallest things can be scary like someone speaking to us in a threatening way or a bit of barging in the street. When we stay close to Jesus however, we do not fear man who can kill the body but not the soul, rather we fear the Father who can send both body and soul into hell!

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