Friday, 9 September 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 240

Job speaks about wisdom and again it is something that is so important a principle and in some ways very obvious but yet something which we easily forget. True wisdom is not found despite God, it is only found in God. Although the chapter uses a long analogy of mining and how good men are at examining all things, it reminds us that we cannot find wisdom outside of God. This is interesting because there are many people who would claim to have wisdom despite God but if wisdom is proved right by her actions, how many of these people really stand the test of time? How many of their decisions are so incisive, so profound that they make whole families or communities improve? None, I would suggest unless some of their wisdom is 'borrowed' from God. To forgive people graciously is a Godly concept frequently borrowed, to reduce someone's loan interest, to love our neighbours as ourself are all Godly pearls of wisdom that are borrowed.

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