Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 243

One of the things that is quite hard to understand is passages like this in Job 37 which imply that the weather is actually directly related to God's activity, an almost medieval idea that thunder is God getting angry. It is hard because we know of physical reasons why these things happen although it is challenging to be reminded that just because God is spirit, doesn't mean he is not intricately and inexplicably linked to the physical world in a way that might just cause these things to happen!?
I remember reading once about particles that seem to move freely through time and space on a sub-atomic level that exist in all physical matter. I can't remember if this is the Higgs-Boson (God particle) that has been mentioned more recently but it made me think that these particles might well be pure spiritual energy that "sustains all things by his powerful Word". Amazing really.

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