Monday, 25 April 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 109

Jesus sends his disciples to get a colt tied up in a village ahead. He says, "if anyone asks you why you are untying it, tell them the Lord needs it".
This is a great story and alludes to the way in which Jesus worked. The cynic could say that Jesus already knew the owner and told him that he might want to borrow the colt a couple of weeks back but I prefer the Jesus who was so in-tune with His Father that he knew there was a colt, he knew that if he took it someone would question it and if they did, they would not mind if it was for the "Lord".
Not sure how often we work like that, where we have such a powerful word in advance that cuts through all the arguments and discussions about whether we can borrow the colt or not.
They do happen and I've heard of them recently but I fear not as often as I would like, certainly not in my own life.

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