Sunday, 3 April 2011

The One Year Bible - Day 90

I saw a TV program the other day where an American District Attorney turned a blind eye to the crimes of the son of one of his major doners. He allowed an innocent man to stand trial because in his own eyes, the 'innocent' man was not a good man and if the doners could support his plan to become mayor, he would be able to do so much good in the city. It was a great example of the way in which our egos can distort justice and then justify it. Quite simply, justice is a prime principle in the kingdom - in other words, we cannot allow the end to justify the means when it comes to justice. Truth is the same, it is a prime principle. With other principles like discipline, we might decide that one time, we will not discipline our child because sometimes grace trumps discipline, grace being a prime principle. If there is one thing that is very strongly described in the OT, it is justice. We are to show no partiality and never try and justify changing it.

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