Friday, 20 January 2012

The One Year Bible - Day 258

Kingdoms rise and fall all the time and Egypt is quite prominent in the Old Testament because of its power, influence and location. However, Isaiah prophecies that Egypt will be destroyed in punishment because of its pride before God.
One of our problems is we have such a short viewpoint on history that we judge quickly. At the height of its power, it would be easy to have seen Egypt and decided that it was righteous and holy and therefore successful. We can think the same about churches or people that become famous and judge their spirituality on their success. Of course, many of these fall again in our own lifetime sometimes to much shame and humiliation but this should just be another reminder that we need to judge things spiritually. I know we say that numbers aren't that important but honestly, they really aren't. Somebody's charisma or humour is irrelevant before God, only the kingdom fruit that comes about as a result of the work.

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