Friday, 20 January 2012

The One Year Bible - Day 259

So many prophecies concern Jerusalem in the Bible, perhaps not really surprising. Have you noticed, however, the difference between the existence of Israel and that of the surrounding countries? Jerusalem starts on a high as the chosen people of God, drops into disobedience and suffering and then gets forgiven and restored back to a high again - kind of like a smile. The surrounding nations on the other hand are the opposite. They start from nothing, become powerful and then get destroyed or dispersed by God - a bit like a frown. Who are the Babylonians? The Persians? The Greeks? The Egyptians? The Romans. None of these ever became the power that they once were and according to some prophecies some of them never will. Israel on the other hand has consistently come back from suffering and struggle and is extremely powerful and influential today - considering it's small size.
I want to be on God's side and if that means suffering at the bottom of the smile curve in order to rise up again, so be it!

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